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來源: 原創(chuàng)


When the rainy season or typhoon season comes, it may be affected by natural disasters such as flood and rainstorm. Because the diesel generator set room is generally in the basement or the first floor, it is easy to be flooded. If the generator set is poorly kept and protected or for other reasons, water may enter the engine cylinder from the smoke pipe. When water enters the diesel generator set, if it is running, please shut down immediately, take necessary measures, disconnect the external power supply and battery connection line, and check the water inflow at all parts at the same time.




Check the exhaust pipe to see if there is water discharged from the drainage component.


Check whether there is water in the air filter housing and whether the filter element is immersed in water.


Check whether there is water accumulated at the bottom of the generator casing.


Check radiator, fan, coupling for blockage.


Whether there is leakage of organic oil, fuel or water from the outside.


Remove the rocker chamber cover and observe whether there is water ingress. Check the insulation and ontamination of the generator windings.


Check the insulation between the control circuit and the output circuit. Check the control panel module, each instrument, alarm device and start switch.


Note: Never let water enter the combustion chamber of the engine!



Treatment  after water enter the generator:


When confirm there is no water in the combustion chamber  and the insulation meets the requirements,can start the generator. Pay attention to the following issues when starting:


Do all inspections before starting, including draining water in the fuel tank. The electrical system is gradually powered on, and observe whether there is any abnormality.


Start the engine continuously shall not exceed 30 seconds. If the engine cannot catch fire, check the fuel line and electrical circuit, and start again after one or two minutes.


Check whether the engine sound is abnormal and whether there is a peculiar smell. Check whether the display of the electrical instrument and the LCD screen are broken or unclear.


Closely observe the oil pressure and water temperature. If the oil pressure or temperature does not meet the technical specifications, the engine should be shut down. After stopping, check the oil level.


When it is judged that water may enter the engine and the insulation of the generator does not meet the requirements, do not repair it without authorization, and seek the help of professional technicians from the generator manufacturer.


Key points for unit operation in rainstorm / humid environment

1、放置環(huán)境要求1. Placement environment requirements


Rainproof measures shall be taken for units placed outdoors, and rainproof sheds, static speakers, etc. shall be equipped;


The shell of the unit must be reliably grounded. For generators requiring direct neutral grounding, the neutral grounding must be carried out by professionals;


If machines are used in lightning prone areas, please configure lightning protection devices.


Please do not place the unit in a place with low terrain, weak foundation (soil ground) and easy to accumulate water;


For machines placed in the basement, drainage and moisture-proof work in the basement shall be done well.

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